What Could Be Causing Your Tooth Sensitivity and What You Can Do

Many of us wouldn’t hesitate to call our doctor or physician if we felt a twinge of pain in our neck or back. However, all too often when it comes to our teeth, we shrug off small signs of discomfort. But we should show our oral care the...

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Move Your Education Forward with Back-to-School Savings from AMBA Discounts

When’s the best time to go back to school? Whenever you're ready! And AMBA Discounts powered by Passport has some excellent deals to help you get the most with back-to-school savings. Earn Your Online Degree Pursuing...

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A Novel Approach to Selling Books: 70-Year-Old Woman Travels America in Her Bookstore on Wheels

Like most bookstores, Rita Collins’s has shelves filled from floor-to-ceiling with books. The store has 600 volumes meticulously organized by genre, as well as plenty of overhead lighting and attractive carpeting. What sets this bookstore...

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The Biggest Retirement Challenge That No One Talks About

Retirement means different things to different people. A recent study asked retirees over the age of 60, “What is your single biggest challenge in retirement?” Money, of course, remains a concern. But surprisingly, the...

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