Want a More Serene – and Safer – Home? Check Out Our Fabulous 5 Tips to Declutter Your Home

Many of us are familiar with Marie Kondo’s philosophy of our homes should be filled with only things that “spark joy”. While that is an admirable ambition, it’s also not 100% realistic: only a handful of people feel a sense of...

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Your Dinner Impacts Your Dentistry: The Essential Nutrients for a Healthy Mouth

We all know the axiom “you are what you eat”. Our overall health is, to a significant extent, determined by the foods we eat. Though the results are most obviously revealed physically in our waistline, what you eat will ultimately make up...

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This Autumn, Watch the Prices "Fall" Thanks to AMBA Discounts!

For fans of fashion, the change of season is the perfect opportunity for a change of wardrobe. And whether you’re a fan of luxury or athleisure or anything in-between, AMBA Discounts is your passport to help you elevate your game and enjoy big...

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Holy Guacamole - Avocados Fight Cancer and Keep the Heart Healthy!

Getting older comes with several life-changing realities. Making healthy choices is one of the most prominent and important. Along with physical exercise, getting plenty of sleep, and staying social, a healthy diet is essential. Eating right is...

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