RSEA Membership
Become A Member, For So Many Reasons
RSEA has been working for years to make sure state retirees enjoy the benefits they deserve. Your membership will provide:
Membership is a small cost that makes a big impact on the quality of life for you and other retirees. But we can’t do it without you. The more members we have, the more we can be heard.
Join RSEA Today
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Phone Lines Open Mon‑Fri 8am‑5pm CT

RSEA Is Ready To Help
If you are retired from employment with the State of Texas, you know how important public servants are to the citizens of Texas—and you also need a membership association that understands retiree issues.
RSEA was founded in 1977 by dedicated state employees. We have represented retirees for 46 years to promote and preserve the compensation and quality benefits provided by the Employees Retirement System to retirees. RSEA's primary focus is on the welfare of State of Texas retirees.
Pension Security
RSEA is the organization guarding your retirement income from legislative changes that could reduce your pension. We've been working on this for years, and this is no time to stop. Defined Benefit pension plans have been questioned here and all over the country.
Working together, we can defend your pension. RSEA works with the Texas legislature to protect your future pension benefits. RSEA provides legislative representation and testifies on behalf of state retirees. Through its volunteer Board of Directors, RSEA provides legislative representation, proposes legislation, obtains sponsors and testifies on behalf of RSEA members at legislative committee hearings.

RSEA Advocates for its Members and Adds their Voice at the Texas Legislature
RSEA is your advocate and VOICE at the Texas Legislature. Our board works closely with the Legislature, the Employees Retirement System, and other organizations to advocate for legislation and changes that will support and enhance the lives of our members. Each session we track bills, provide testimony and other communications to the Legislature, and provide an end-of-session update in our newsletter and on this page.
During the interim between legislative sessions, RSEA monitors ERS implementation of any legislation from the recent Legislature and also monitors legislative committees who are charged by the Lieutenant Governor or Speaker to research issues relevant to retirees in advance of the upcoming legislature.
RSEA has Access To Supplemental Insurance & Discounts
Although ERS provides optional plans to retirees for Dental and Vision coverage, RSEA additionally offers other options to give members a choice when exploring group coverage. Finding the right coverage should be simple, especially when dental and vision costs are so expensive.
The good news? RSEA membership gives you access to a wide range of quality insurance plans. As an RSEA member, you'll have access to policies designed to protect your medical and financial well-being--everything from life insurance to long-term care plans. And, thanks to RSEA's strength in numbers, you can enroll in the coverage you need at discounted group rates.

Join RSEA Today
And take advantage of all that membership has to offer.
JOIN / renew
Phone Lines Open Mon‑Fri 8am‑5pm CT